
I stand alone on this last eve,
A life so full behind me.
In feeling piece my shattered life,
Bless-ed was my journey.
A tear I shed in mourning past,
In feeling more a stranger,
To a life I fought for heart and nails,
In crawling for my savior.
I am but boy in this grown skin,
Playful kind and true,
The love I feel for every me,
Is a beautiful baby blue.
I am instrumental life and change,
Here in this one man band,
Seeds of dreams twinkling daylight,
Awaiting a heart felt command.
I laugh in pass a moments gesture,
My path ahead so righteous,
I leave behind an empty dream,
In seeking life's great adventures.
It is sure to be that time will pass,
As a rover I'll saddle the road,
Another land a dream may be,
The unknown, no fixed abode.
Around the corner is out of sight,
A total guess it would be,
Stand in my shoes turned back,
There is no way you can see.
A total change a life turned around,
They would hardly even know me,
I stand in strength on this solid ground,
And I'll trust my guides unfold me.
December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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The universal healing energy is one that I have experienced in great measure over the past number of days and weeks here in Peru.

It is quite beautiful the way the subtle energies mingle through the city and beyond to the jungle. And in equal measure, it is amazing how the jungle cradles every corner in a city that holds half a million people.

This is "Thee" jungle city.

The sheer wildness of it. You can feel it, smell it, and hear it. In a house in a city, close your eyes, and you are in the jungle. It is quite spectacular. And every morning the alarm call of a Halk hunting it's pray. Powerful, majestic, perfect.

I have received a monumental amount of experience here with regard to energy.

Healers in general, thrive to stay on the side of the light, the devine, the love energy. But here there is a mix of energy workers on both sides of the Vale. This at first startled me, as back home we are mostly shielded from any of this.

This experience with dark energies has engaged me in an apprenticeship of protection and helped me to build on my healing skills and expand my knowledge.

As a result of these recent experiences I've been very fortunate to learn how to open a channel through me to link to the source energy of this universe. This is an amazing and extremely humbling gift to revieve and will help me to heal our wounded path walkers on a very pure and loving level.

This source energy is love. It is as simple and as complicated as that. Love is..... everything...

When you unconditionally love, you create a timeless space for growth. Miracles happen!! You can help people to connect to their wounds and feel that unconditional love once again that they had as a child. Once these pathways are reopened, the miracle of growth that unfolds before your very eyes is spectacular. It is how it should always be.

Miracles happen when you love what you do, and believe unconditionally in what your doing is for the love of our world and of our shared experience.

We are all healers on this planet. We all have the capacity to love unconditionally and thus we have the capacity to share that love energy and heal our fellow earth walkers. This is the move to collective conciousness. This is what we are all striving towards. A place where we can all live together in harmony.

No Borders, no barriers, no racial differentiation, no fear!!!!

Only shared conciousness!

Only unconditional love!!

Latest Poetry
To say one has nothing,
"I only have my dreams",
But THAT nothing is never,
As bad as it seems.
​Every thing in this world,
One day had to start,
At first was a dream,
That came from the heart.
​From nothing comes everything,
Any thing you can see,
Even this moment here and now,
With just you and me.
And Now you may wonder,
Even start to believe,
If you live in your dream,
Will you start to receive?
​Every thing is nothing,
All Infinity,
A beautiful vacuum,
Of possibilities.
​Come build your dream,
Wish from the start,
And I'll bid you sweet nothings,
From the bottom of my heart