
Victorious is a word
often used by fighters,
When they've defeated their opponent,
And they've fought fierce and righteous.
​I have fought the good fight,
But I only feel guilty,
For baring my sword,
On those that I should pity.
​A Warrior of light,
Bares a sword of emotions,
Sharp is the mind,
With a heart as deep as the oceans.
December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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Thank you

Such a perfect phrase.  

When spoken, it is a shared emotion between two souls.

It is a deep appreciation for each other.

When we give thanks, we recognize each others soul with grace for that moment or shared moments....

Being greatful is a gift of life.

Greatfullness means happiness multiplied by gratitude.

To be full of greatness indeed!!!!!

Because we are all great in our own awesome, unique and beautiful way.

So the phrase "Thank You", is quite possibly the best compliment I could ever hope to give or receive.

With those two simple words I am saying "I Love Everything About You".

Thank You....

"Thank You Book"!!!!

You helped me to see...

My Thank You Book is full of everything in my life that I have felt Gratefulness for and still I am very grateful for today.

Every moment before now has brought me to where I am.

So Thank You to every-one moment that I could share with myself or others.

You have given me the opportunity to realize that I love everything about my "Self" and my "Life".

Which in fact means every single person and every single experience....


I love my life...

Be greatful....

Be thankful....

Be love....

For the most powerful and indeed the most greatful of all emotions is Love.

Thank You....

I Love You....

Latest Poetry
A Healers Prayer
I pray for me to be there for you,
To hold space and to care for you,
To clear my vision and open my eyes,
To see your despair and to realize.
I pray for me to be humble and pure,
To sing healing songs while you tumble and cure,
To send out love and ground down that pain,
While the tears from your cry fall around you like rain.
I pray for me to trust this old process,
To heal myself true and open this fortress,
To beg for forgiveness, respect and love,
To honor this journey that is guided from above.
I pray for me to watch you grow,
While you wander around with that wonderful glow,
To pray for you while you pray to be free,
I'll sit in this love, in this honor and see.