
It's amazing how much the darkness can hide and also how much a new day can bring.

I drove to this place late last night over little rolling winding roads.

I had a feeling it was going to be special...

Well the picture speaks for itself....

I woke this morning to the most beautiful sunrise and breathtaking views of rolling mist covered hills...

What a gift....

The universe giving us a gift to start the day...

....Here you go! I have created this for you, so that you can go and create something too....

How special is that!?!

So what can I gift back?!?

How do I repay this beautiful universe for such a gift of life and growth and energy!

What can I create this day and every day?

December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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Where is your level of fear?

Can you turn up the heat on your life?

Are you capable of selecting a higher setting on your dial of experience?

Fear  is a great motivator, a catalyst for change.

That feeling of adrenaline coursing through your body, just before you step into that "Fear Zone"....

It reminds us that we are alive! Life is more than a 9 to 5, or the school run, or any of the day to day stuff for that matter.

Everyone who walks the earth has fear.

That person who lives on their own and shuts out the world.

That famous millionaire who has the world at their feet.

What's the difference between these two examples?....


They are both people, with eyes to see an opportunity, a mouth to talk to that person who may lead them down a life changing path, and a heart to love every minute of it.

So what's the difference now???

The only difference between these two examples is choice.....

Choosing to hide from their fears or choosing to push through them and feel the experience.

When I feel fear, I see an opportunity to grow. I ask myself how do I overcome this? Where did it come from?

Though it is more often than not, widely acceptable to hide from our fears.

But what are we afraid of?



Fear of failing???


But what about the moment?

What about the experience?

Win, loose or draw, we will always have the experience.....

So I choose experience.....

WITH Fear!!!!!

I choose to Feel!!!

I choose to Live!!!

Who knows What's AROUND the Corner?

I don't!?!.  

This may be my last post, but it may be my first today and the one that changes the world!!!

It may not!!!

Who knows!!!

Stop thinking and start doing....

Choose LIFE!!!

Latest Poetry
Metropolis jungle
Concrete Metropolis jungle,
A jungle growing within a bundle,
Of polished up, built up, hide away faces,
All in the race competing for spaces.
An aroma from a pretty city
Apon a time was nitty gritty,
Now flowing from edges and ledges,
A fulfilment of dredged pledges.
Grey on Green and green on grey,
Scenes to be seeing I dare to say,
Green scene seeing it's way,
I pray, that this day, is here to stay.
The Mothers pining cry is winning,
A voice of reason is glistening,
Her gasped breathe has been heard,
Her nurchured siblings were spared.