The Flag Man

The FlagMan Is one
Who says little at all,
Until the time comes
To record a fall.
The days are long
But time is short lived,
For his moment of reign
Is just over the bridge.
He stands and absorbs
All the information,
Until the Powers That Be
Send their notification.
Some will weave
And some may wonder,
But none will leave
without a ponder...
So The time has come
To unravel the web,
And piece by small piece
It all falls to shreds.
The Powers That Be
Will ask for a stand,
So the flagMan reigns
And raises his hand.
December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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Latest Thoughts

Discovering that something is not as advertised is never a nice experience.

There are certain instances where we just accept that it's an advertisement and really pass no remarks....

Take the above image of handwash for example!!

We don't actually believe that this bottle of chemicals is of high purity from the hills of Iceland!?!

Or do we????

Through my own experience, I have found that we do sometimes believe what we are seeing because it is masked as something else.

Mutton dressed as lamb it may seem.....

But the painful truth is, if we turn the bottle around and look beyond the picture, the reality is there in plain view....

In this case it is as a list of ingredients....

So why do we choose sometimes to ignore the truth and believe the picture???

I for one have learned my lesson from a recent trusted group....

Let's take this as a metaphor and apply it to every part of our lives....

Because the real truth is.... We are actually choosing to ignore reality!!!

Look beyond the advertisement....

Look around the sales person....

Look through the promises....

Find the truth....

It's there for all to see!!!

Just have a look!!!!

Latest Poetry
The Sitting
The journey in Glenbeigh
Was so very intriguing,
It showed me my dark side,
And what needed healing.
I opened the door
To dig in deeper,
But I met Mother Nature,
And not the Grim Reaper.​
Her beauty is awesome,
Her love so freeing,
She relieved me my burden
My life purpose revealing.
A healer I am Wounded,
So perfectly scarred,
Each layer is a hurt,
Each pain is a shard.
​My purpose is simple,
So clear and so free,
To be a soul healer,
I MUST have empathy.
​I love this direction,
My Hearts Desire,
My Internal Light,
My Souls New Fire