
The map of life is a beautiful and exciting collection of experiences. Each experience we choose is uniquely amazing in its own way and will only ever happen once.

Life is about experiencing each moment in as much depth as you possibly can because you will never get a second chance at that experience. There is only ever one first time.

A loss of something dear to you is something you should explore and understand, appreciate it fully because that feeling of loss that you are experiencing is verification that it made a difference to your life. Celebrate the loss by fully experiencing it. Then let it go, to allow yourself to experience something new. Not to replace it but rather to move on to something else that can fulfil your life and allow yourself to gain once again something life changing.

Its been a year since my last blog post. After coming back home from Peru, the personal journey that I had undertaken began to present opportunities to heal and expand myself. I went through a few months of ups and downs, each experience presenting old patterns that needed attention. With each redirection, a new experience presented itself to be explored.

I had the most amazing summer last year with a very dear friend. We spent our days meditating and exploring many ideas and subsequently had some very deep conversations that fundamentally changed our perspective of many areas of our lives.

One of these discussions was about the world view of the divine feminine and divine masculine and the battle that is being waged within each and every human being as a result. We are conditioned to reject balance within ourselves which has caused a wide feeling of unknowing. It has caused people to search and drive towards money and personal achievements in a bid to feel whole and accomplished. But we are at soul level, at source, neither feminine nor masculine. We are only pure energy. We are at our core, already balanced. We need not search outside for what we contain within.

This discussion led me to explore my own internal balance and thus began to present many areas of my life that I had neglected or damaged as a result of this conditioning. And so, I began to align myself with the next phase of my healing journey.

About 5 years ago, I began to manifest a series of events and arguments that subsequently ended up in my loosing contact with my 3 children. Those events are not important to me now. What is important is what they led me to realise about myself and the world we live in. I realise now that I had completely rejected my internal feminine self and as a result had waged an external attack on all the women in my life who presented any sort of challenge to me. I began looking for reasons to distance myself from them. My internal balance was hugely off, and so my external world mirrored that back to me. Instead of trying to find a balance with these women and create a place of understanding, I created my experience outside to match what I was feeling inside.

Through my journey I have learned some very interesting soul connection techniques that can literally help to shape your reality. This very potent level of meditation coupled with the law of attraction can bring the experiences you want to have into your life with great speed and precision. So, I began to put to work everything I had learned.

Over the coming days and weeks, I built my desired reality in my heart and in my being. I Imagined this with ultimate clarity and precision. I imagined myself sitting in a soft chair in front of my little old house with the love of my life sitting next to me while we enjoyed the sun and the soft breeze on our faces. I could see My eldest daughter and my son coming up to the house to visit, bringing with them my youngest daughter, their half sister. I imagined laughing and joking with the mothers of my children and their partners, one big happy family, everyone getting along and wanting to help each other. I imagined us all sharing pure love together, family love.

I sat with this vision and built on it for a number of weeks, creating it ever more clearer and bringing it closer with every added detail. Then, quite naturally, I stopped the process and had forgotten about it until one day, only a few weeks ago, my mum brought up my eldest daughter in conversation. I believed she would be back, and without setting a time frame or having any expectations, i remembered the vision. I reminded my mum that she would be back and not to set any limits. We left it at that.

One day out of the blue just last week, my eldest daughters mum called to tell me that my daughter wanted to arrange a meeting. This was the first contact I'd had in almost two years. I was ecstatic! I knew that the work I had done on myself in healing the imbalance coupled with visualising my desires for the future had begun to materialise. I took a deep breath, and without expectation, I began to open up a line of loving and understanding communication with her.

This is my chance to create something new after I have grieved and healed the old.

Remapping your life takes a lot of courage in facing yourself, requires a lot of tears and pain to heal, and calls for action when an opportunity presents itself. Treat people how you expect to be treated. Be kind, be humble, be a visionary.


December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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Latest Thoughts
Mastering Discipline

Throughout my entire life, discipline has always seemed like such a chore. I could never focus on one thing long enough to become a master at it. I haven't mastered any skill that I love to do.

I was never into sports as a child and exercise was never my thing. But I have always loved music. And in later years now since I've finished school, I love to read and learn new things. But as a result of never having the discipline to master any new skills while growing up, I am unable to focus my attention now. This is something that I had come to accept about myself but had vowed to make a change at some point. But true to form, my lack in discipline assured that I would struggle with this. A never ending loop of failure to master.

I have recently begun singing mantras. When I say recently, I mean today. Today is the first day of my discipline process. After having such an amazing weekend of healing ceremonies, I have learned a few things about myself. One such lesson was the lack of discipline that I put upon myself in order to better myself.

It is said that the constant repetition of a mantra can heighten our senses and awareness. I’m pretty sure it does indeed do exactly that, with practice, but for now my focus is for the purposes of discipline. Once the discipline is maintained, the practice will emerge. I am eternally grateful for the lessons I have received through working with plant medicines.

Through this work with plant-based healing medicines, I have caught a glimpse of what it is to be my full true self. With practice and discipline, I believe these mantras will help me in my process of expanding my being beyond what I know to be me and who I am.

The amazing realization that you are more than you think you are is quite profound. We think we are, as humans; the body, the mind, and in some cases, the soul/spirit. In most cases we believe we are a culmination of our family, friends, job, where we live, where we go, what hobbies we enjoy and what our spiritual beliefs are. A short story on these topics would amount to the average person’s belief in who they are. But the truth of it is we are so much more than all of it put together.

This past few days has helped me with my own view on this topic. I used to believe I was a father, a brother, a son, an uncle, a grandson, a musician, a singer, a writer, a good person trying to make a difference however small it was etc etc and the list goes on. But the truth is I am much more than any and all of those things.

As I have mentioned, I have been fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of who I am. The I that I am is so vast and expansive that no words can describe.

If you could imagine what it would be like to squeeze an elephant through the eye of a needle, then you would have some idea of how difficult it is for a spirit to enter the human form. The sheer vastness of our being-ness pre-earth, cannot be condensed into our 3D physical form. No matter how pure a human being is, they are still physical, and so therefore cannot contain their fullest potential. That said, our fullest potential in our human form is indeed impressive. We have yet to even come close to it. The achievements in the past of our fellow earthlings were all based in ego. This in itself is the biggest and heaviest limit we posses. The monks and sages of the world would be the purest of us and yet, I believe we have so much more to learn and to let go of.

With each layer of trauma that I work through and with each layer of pain that I come to terms with, that glimpse of my fullest potential expands a little more. With each expansion, I can get a sense and feel, to some small extent, of the next level of expansion before I experience it. So, I know there’s always more to remember, more to learn. I am more than I have ever imagined before, and more than I can even imagine now. The I that I am, in this human form, is only the finger tip of my true essence. I am everything and more than I could ever imagine myself to be.

With a daily practice I can expand my awareness, lighten my trauma and pain body, and thus expand the emptiness inside so more of my essence and light can enter, remembering more and more, who I truly am. This disciplined process can help me with procrastination and limiting my ego with regards to music, singing, writing and everything that I want to learn at this moment. Our ego tells us we are no good. So, if I start the day by reminding myself of how much I can remember with regards to who I am, well that will shut that little noise up with discipline and practise.

I am not perfect. I am finding my way.

Day by day, unravelling and unfolding, healing and expanding.


Latest Poetry
The Sitting
The journey in Glenbeigh
Was so very intriguing,
It showed me my dark side,
And what needed healing.
I opened the door
To dig in deeper,
But I met Mother Nature,
And not the Grim Reaper.​
Her beauty is awesome,
Her love so freeing,
She relieved me my burden
My life purpose revealing.
A healer I am Wounded,
So perfectly scarred,
Each layer is a hurt,
Each pain is a shard.
​My purpose is simple,
So clear and so free,
To be a soul healer,
I MUST have empathy.
​I love this direction,
My Hearts Desire,
My Internal Light,
My Souls New Fire