We Are One

A journey of healing is one of great mystery. Going to that place, to the unknown, to find that sweet spot where we hold the trauma associated with our pain and suffering. It is truly a process of complete trust in what lies ahead. We must trust as we have lost connection with our true self, and so the journey begins, blindfolded, fumbling around in the dark for something that feels like home. And therein lies the key to the process of finding one’s center. With eyes closed in a darkened room we must trust what we feel, so too must we dedicate ourselves and trust our healing journey with our eyes closed, open our hearts and our senses to what feels familiar, to what feels good and to what feels empowering. We must trust ourselves, our body and our soul, to know the way without judgment. We must trust in our pain, our wounds and our trauma, to teach us about unconditional love and forgiveness. We must trust in the process to bring us back home to our one true self, to the inner child, who was abandoned all those years ago by oneself. With eyes closed, we must find our way home.

These past few days, I myself have chosen to take a further trusting leap into the unknown. After receiving many signs from my outer self, from my world as I see it, it was apparent there was a change coming. As I have gone through energetic changes before, I know there are two options. I can either let the change happen to me, or I can be the change. Of course, being the change is much more exciting and much less traumatic, so that was the obvious option in my experience. I began with a small ceremony the day before last to welcome in any of my guides and to set my intention. I ran a bath and used some essential oils and flower aromas to help relax my body and mind to allow me to meditate and connect mind, body and soul. Yesterday I became the music that I was creating. It was beautifully healing to create music. It helped with the process greatly. Today, day three of ceremony, I ran another bath to close the healing space. I used the same oils and aromas as before and decided I would use the pendulum to tap into the hidden mind. Believe it or not, we already know everything in and around our lives from who is good for our energy, to what food doesn't agree with our bodies. We just choose, through our subconscious belief systems, what we want in our lives, and what to ignore, regardless of whether it is good for us or not. I wanted to ask my subconscious mind or hidden mind, what was ready to be released. The tricky part is, I can only get a yes or a no answer. So, the question must be right. Through meditation, I can get a good sense of the direction of questioning. I was drawn to my Root Chakra for questioning. This is where fight or flight response emanates from. This is where our basic survival instincts come from. Our relationships, security, truth, justice, basic needs, compassion, strength, trust and nurture of self all emanate from here, and so is the beginning of all energy in being. I wasn’t surprised to see it pop up during a period of balancing. To find balance in being, we must first feel grounded and secure. I asked the relevant questions which I felt were specific for this piece of work and released the energy with the aid of the pendulum. Wow! What an amazing piece of work. I feel complete bliss and contentment after gifting myself this work. I was faced with some challenging truths about my life and some reliefs too. I had told myself some lies, surprise surprise!! I feel so lucky to be part of this world today. The changes I am embodying in myself, I see every day in the world outside. Our mother Earth is healing herself, and so too am I. We are one. I was not born ON Earth, I was born FROM Earth. We share the same energy, the same elements, the same water, the same air. We are all children of Earth. Embody this experience, close your eyes, heal yourself, and once again see the world as it truly is….. It is YOU!

The visual beauty of this world is so mesmerizing that we can get distracted from what is important, from what feels good. The irony that lies in the unbalancing of our senses tells the true story behind the world as we live in it today. When one focuses on what looks beautiful without feeling the beauty in their whole being, the view becomes less interesting after only a short time. Then something new must be found to excite the eyes, and on and on goes the merry-go-round. But when one looks, feels, smells, tastes, hears and embodies the view, one could spend an entire lifetime in that moment. Time stops. When we find balance, we see the truth.... you are the view and the view IS you, we are one.

Now when you look at the view, you see its entire beauty, you can feel it, you can smell it, you can hear it. You can sense it in you and you in it. Now you can see its true depth, Your true depth. Now there is balance outside and in. When you realize that which you see and feel are one in the same, you have found balance. This is the journey……. There is no separation…….


December 6, 2022
Andrew Mee
Thoughts & poetry

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Mastering Discipline

Throughout my entire life, discipline has always seemed like such a chore. I could never focus on one thing long enough to become a master at it. I haven't mastered any skill that I love to do.

I was never into sports as a child and exercise was never my thing. But I have always loved music. And in later years now since I've finished school, I love to read and learn new things. But as a result of never having the discipline to master any new skills while growing up, I am unable to focus my attention now. This is something that I had come to accept about myself but had vowed to make a change at some point. But true to form, my lack in discipline assured that I would struggle with this. A never ending loop of failure to master.

I have recently begun singing mantras. When I say recently, I mean today. Today is the first day of my discipline process. After having such an amazing weekend of healing ceremonies, I have learned a few things about myself. One such lesson was the lack of discipline that I put upon myself in order to better myself.

It is said that the constant repetition of a mantra can heighten our senses and awareness. I’m pretty sure it does indeed do exactly that, with practice, but for now my focus is for the purposes of discipline. Once the discipline is maintained, the practice will emerge. I am eternally grateful for the lessons I have received through working with plant medicines.

Through this work with plant-based healing medicines, I have caught a glimpse of what it is to be my full true self. With practice and discipline, I believe these mantras will help me in my process of expanding my being beyond what I know to be me and who I am.

The amazing realization that you are more than you think you are is quite profound. We think we are, as humans; the body, the mind, and in some cases, the soul/spirit. In most cases we believe we are a culmination of our family, friends, job, where we live, where we go, what hobbies we enjoy and what our spiritual beliefs are. A short story on these topics would amount to the average person’s belief in who they are. But the truth of it is we are so much more than all of it put together.

This past few days has helped me with my own view on this topic. I used to believe I was a father, a brother, a son, an uncle, a grandson, a musician, a singer, a writer, a good person trying to make a difference however small it was etc etc and the list goes on. But the truth is I am much more than any and all of those things.

As I have mentioned, I have been fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of who I am. The I that I am is so vast and expansive that no words can describe.

If you could imagine what it would be like to squeeze an elephant through the eye of a needle, then you would have some idea of how difficult it is for a spirit to enter the human form. The sheer vastness of our being-ness pre-earth, cannot be condensed into our 3D physical form. No matter how pure a human being is, they are still physical, and so therefore cannot contain their fullest potential. That said, our fullest potential in our human form is indeed impressive. We have yet to even come close to it. The achievements in the past of our fellow earthlings were all based in ego. This in itself is the biggest and heaviest limit we posses. The monks and sages of the world would be the purest of us and yet, I believe we have so much more to learn and to let go of.

With each layer of trauma that I work through and with each layer of pain that I come to terms with, that glimpse of my fullest potential expands a little more. With each expansion, I can get a sense and feel, to some small extent, of the next level of expansion before I experience it. So, I know there’s always more to remember, more to learn. I am more than I have ever imagined before, and more than I can even imagine now. The I that I am, in this human form, is only the finger tip of my true essence. I am everything and more than I could ever imagine myself to be.

With a daily practice I can expand my awareness, lighten my trauma and pain body, and thus expand the emptiness inside so more of my essence and light can enter, remembering more and more, who I truly am. This disciplined process can help me with procrastination and limiting my ego with regards to music, singing, writing and everything that I want to learn at this moment. Our ego tells us we are no good. So, if I start the day by reminding myself of how much I can remember with regards to who I am, well that will shut that little noise up with discipline and practise.

I am not perfect. I am finding my way.

Day by day, unravelling and unfolding, healing and expanding.


Latest Poetry
To say one has nothing,
"I only have my dreams",
But THAT nothing is never,
As bad as it seems.
​Every thing in this world,
One day had to start,
At first was a dream,
That came from the heart.
​From nothing comes everything,
Any thing you can see,
Even this moment here and now,
With just you and me.
And Now you may wonder,
Even start to believe,
If you live in your dream,
Will you start to receive?
​Every thing is nothing,
All Infinity,
A beautiful vacuum,
Of possibilities.
​Come build your dream,
Wish from the start,
And I'll bid you sweet nothings,
From the bottom of my heart